Watch D.O.G.S.

Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is an innovative father involvement, educational initiative of the National Center For Fathering. Watch DOGS are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer for at least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S. school. During the day, WatchDOGS may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. Many school principals have reported that the mere presence of a WatchDOG dramatically reduces reports of bullying. On the day of their participation, WatchDOGS are given a brief review of their involvement and they wear an official WATCH D.O.G.S. t-shirt and an official visitors sticker identifying them as a safe and important guest!
Step One: Get Registered! Send an email with your name and the name(s) of your child(ren). We’ll send you a link to our Sign-Up Genius. If none of the dates/times work for you, no problem! Email your preferred volunteer times and we will get you booked! |
Step Two: A few days before visit: A few days before your visit you will get a reminder email. If you are no longer able to come please let us know right away! We’d love to get you rescheduled. Send us a new time/date or simply sign-up on the Sign-Up Genius again. |
Step Three: Get ready for a fantastic day as a Hero! Check out our Watch D.O.G.S. guidelines below. Also, be sure to have your driver’s license with you for our School Safe ID security screening. We look forward to greeting you at your scheduled time! |
We are thrilled by the enthusiasm our dads have for supporting education!
THANK YOU for your interest in serving our school as a Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer! YOU ARE OUR HEROES!